The tax amount on your Tax Notice & Property Assessment is for taxes levied from January to December of the current year. The assessment is based on assessments as of December 31st of the prior year.  The Town of Beaverlodge Tax Notice & Property Assessment is mailed in mid-May and due by July 31st of each year. If payment of taxes are not received by the due date, a late payment penalty of 12% (12 percent)on the current outstanding taxes will be applied on August 1st.  And a late penalty amount of 2% (2 percent) on any arrears will also be applied on August 1st.  

Mobile Homes are not administered a license fee but are treated the same as other properties under the Municipal Government Act.  The residents in Parkview Village can expect to receive a Tax Notice & Assessment and are responsible for payment.

Town of Beaverlodge property taxes consist of municipal and education taxes, the Grande Spirit Foundation and local improvement charges. The Town of Beaverlodge acts only as a tax collector on behalf of the Province and the Separate School Board.

2024 Tax Levy

Rate (per $1000 of Assessment)
Rate (per $1000 of Assessment)
General Municipal9.5249mills18.083mills
Grande Spirit Housing Foundation0.09516mills0.09516mills
Combined Tax Rates12.17mills21.85mills

Address Changes & Name Changes 

All land ownership changes and name changes are updated to our tax roll based solely on information provided by Alberta Land Titles. Address changes in our tax system will be made at the owner’s request, but all name changes must be made through Alberta Land Titles. If you require a name change, please contact Alberta Land Titles at 780-427-2742 or visit the website

Payment Options

Tax Installment Payment Plan

Property owners can choose to enroll in a Tax Installment Payment Plan (TIPP) and divide their tax payments into twelve monthly payments throughout the year; or they may enroll anytime throughout the year, but taxes must be paid up to date.  To enroll contact the town office at 780-354-2201 or email  to discuss your options.

The Town of Beaverlodge offers its residents a pre-authorized tax payment plan, which is a modern, easy way to pay property taxes. A few facts about the pre-payment plan are as follows:

  • Simplify payment of taxes by budgeting 12 installments from January to December;
  • No worry about paying all taxes by the due date;
  • The current year pre-authorized tax payment is based on the previous year actual taxes;
  • All prior taxes must be paid to December 31 of the current year for eligibility in the plan for the upcoming year. (e.g. All 2021 and prior taxes must be paid to December 31, 2021 for eligibility in the 2022 plan).

Tax Pre-Authorization Form

This form can be filled out and brought in to the town office with your Void Cheque or Direct Deposit information. 

In Person

Payment can be made in person at the Town of Beaverlodge office at 400 – 10 Street between 9:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m., and 5:00 p.m. Cash, Debit Card, and Cheque are all accepted at the Town office. 


Cheque and Money Orders can be sent to:

Town of Beaverlodge

Box 30

Beaverlodge, AB

T0H 0C0 

Pay taxes online by Credit Card, PayPal or Interac eTransfer

Visit PaySimply, our secure third party payment provider, to pay online with any major credit card (Visa, MC, Amex), PayPal or Interac eTransfer. Please allow 3 business days for processing.  A convenience fee will be applied to cover payment handling and processing charges.

Telephone & Internet Banking

Offered through CIBC, BMO, ATB, RBC, Bank of Nova Scotia, TD Canada Trust, and Central 1 Credit Union.  For further information on the above, please contact the Town Office at (780) 354-2201.

Interact E-Transfers

The Town of Beaverlodge now accepts Interact E-Transfers, these can be made to and quote your tax roll number for proper processing.