A bylaw is a law made by a local authority (Town Council) in accordance with the powers conferred by or delegated to it under a statute, in this case the MGA (Municipal Government Act) Section 180. Council may pass a bylaw to govern the affairs within the Council ( the procedural bylaw and code of conduct for councillors) and bylaws that govern within the municipality. Common bylaws include animal control, annual tax levy, traffic and business regulation & licensing. A municipal bylaw is no different than any other law of the land, and can be enforced with penalties, challenged in court and must comply with higher levels of law. Municipal bylaws are often enforceable through the public justice system, and offenders can be charged with a criminal offence for breach of a bylaw.
Below you will find some of the most often requested Town of Beaverlodge bylaws (PDF versions). Additional bylaws, clarification of bylaws, or copies are available by contacting the Town Office at 780-354-2201.
Town of Beaverlodge Bylaws:
A policy is defined as “direction that is formally adopted by Council resolution”. The supporting legislation is the Municipal Government Act. It specifically provides Council with the authority to develop and/or evaluate the policies and programs of the municipality. Policies provide guidance to municipal Council and staff pertaining to procedures (Travel Policy, Snow Removal Policy ) or to govern the actions of the public within municipally owned facilities (i.e. Pool and Fitness Centre Policy). Below is a listing of the current Town of Beaverlodge Policies.